So... first off, Momita hermosa, Whenever you get all fancy with the e-mail layout, I can only see the background colors... so I have no idea what greenworks is. Haha. Second off, I don´t know if you´ve noticed, but I almost always reply to your letters the week after. It´s easier that way... so if something is urgent, tell me. :D
First off, for the Seminary students of my Cousin, Karen Dallin:
The one thing I really wish I´d learned to do before the mission is talk to strangers. Yeah, I know... your mom told you not to do it, but for the mission it´s essencial. More than that, every stranger you pass every day is a child of God! Your brother or sister! You may have known them once. They deserve to be recognised. Seriously, though, how much better would your day be if you had a bad day and random people said hello to you in the street... or simply smiled? Try it, seriously. :D And remember Doctrine and Covenants 18:10, "Remember the aworth of bsouls is great in the sight of God. "
Yeah! Completos are the buzawmb! Er... yeah, that is a word. In Amish. And by Amish I mean Amyish, not the wonderful people who live in Pennisylvania.
Yeah! Completos are the buzawmb! Er... yeah, that is a word. In Amish. And by Amish I mean Amyish, not the wonderful people who live in Pennisylvania.
I got a package this week... yay! It contained an assortment of random artish supplies from one of my artsy friends! Janet sent it for about 8.50... sweet, right? Someone else sent a package from the US to a Missionary here, and it was 50 dollars, but it was pretty big. So... Check it out, and if you can do it, go for it, but if not, just send me a real letter. :D It would make me ever so happy.
Happy Birthday to Elder Sly! His birthday was Easter here... Was Easter everywhere yesterday? I don´t know for sure. Haha. Happy Birthday to Dad, soon... and anyone else who happens to have Birthdays in April. Mom... Dia del Madre is May 10 here... but I´ll have more info on when you can call and where at a later date. Just thought I´d give you the heads up, since I wasn´t sure if the date was the same.
Thanks for all the letters that I continue to recieve. I´m now starting to catch up in responding.
Love you all,
Keep the Faith
...and seriously, please don´t stop believing.And read the story of the ressurrection sometime this week. It´s in the last chapters of all four of the main gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John... and possibly elsewhere. Personally, I like the words of Luke best. But they´re all scripture, all the word of God.
Because Christ lives, so too can we.
Check out Elder Holland´s talk as well:
-Hermana Lovelessthe
Amyable Missionary herself.
PS-photos are one of me as Ariel at the beach 3 weeks ago, and another with all the sisters at Zone conference. :D
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