Well, I guess she is really going to Chile! Cheryl says that Amy will leave the MTC to be at SLC by 11:30 AM. Her first flight will leave at 2:35PM and she will fly to Dallas,TX. She will arrive there at 6:10PM and leaves Dallas at 9:10 PM for Santiago Chile. She will arrive in Santiago at 9:40 AM(New York time). She is sad that she won't be able to see Brazil in the nighttime(dark). The last leg...from Santiago to Concepcion is at 12:50 PM and she will arrive in Concepcion at 1:50 PM Fin(finally). There seems to be some discrepancy...I will send another e-mail after we talk with her on Monday.
Well, I need to get going on our dinner, etc.
Happy Valentine's day to all of our Friends and family.
Mom & Dad Loveless :D
FREAK OUT! I cannot believe that I'm leaving for Chile in FOUR DAYS. Eeep. I got THREE packages this week from my mom and Cheryl. <3 Kyla, Mom, Cheryl, and Michelle all wrote me this week, and I got an e~mail from sister Goins in Spain. :)
There aren't any native speakers in my zona. They'd have all left before me anyway.
Oh! Mom--- I sent my letters home to you... and I forgot to put a letter in the package(SORRY!) It's going to go to the UPS place in Ogden and they'll call you when it gets there, apparently. And--- you can use my Debit card to pay the six dollars if you want. :) It was just a dollar or so cheaper that way. My old scriptures are in there, as well as a letter for Jessica Dupaix--- cause I seem to have lost her address, but Michelle can probably find it soon on Facebook. And... some other things for you in the red tissue paper. I don't really remember what. O.o
My flight plans should be to your house by now, Mom--- so if you want, you can add them in here, cause I'm lazy and don't want to waste my 30 mins of computer time by dashing halfway accross the laundry room to get my copy. Suffice it to say, I'll be in Concepcion, Chile by... 9 pm? On Tuesday night. And that's Chile time! That last four hours I'll be alone, but for the Holy Spirit! Hna Kelly and Elder Sebreros get off in Santiago, and then I continue on to Concepcion.
I'll write lots of letters on the flight. :) And read my scriptures.
For awhile I was afraid to fly so far, but I know that the Lord will keep me safe and give me comfort when I need it. And... Yo se que Senor ayudaria me. El es mi Salvador, y El me ama.
Gracias por sus tarjetas. Gracias por su ayudan. Yo los quiero.
I love you all. Keep the Faith. Don't Stop Believing.
And thanks for another e~mail, Uncle Phil!
John 3:5
Hermana Amy D Loveless
The Amyable Missionary herself.
PS-Any mail that gets here after Saturday will be sent back. It's 94 cents to send it to Chile!ADDRESS:
Mision Chile Concepcion Sur
O'Higgins 940 Of. 503
Casilla 3560
Situational Irony
8 years ago
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